Constitution and By-Laws of The Joy in Jesus Club


We, the Members of this Club, for the purposes of increased Godliness, Right-Thinking, Gladness, and Christian and Civil Liberty; in Hopes of the Betterment of our Country, and of the Members of this Club; through Learning, in Godly Fellowship, of God's Word, of our Christian Heritage, of Wisdom, Virtue, Freedom, Joy, Peace, and Civility, do Ordain and Establish this Constitution.

Our Club Shall be called, "The Joy in Jesus Club"; our website being, "Joy Club" (; and our shortened name being, "The Joy Club".

As Members of the Joy Club, Women and Girls shall endeavor to prepare themselves for Service to Christ in the broad span of Life’s arenas through relevant, engaging, and godly Activities. By so doing, they shall not only Glorify and Serve Christ, but also profit their families and friends, churches and communities, country and world.

The Joy in Jesus Club shall be a Nursery of Godly Friendship and Sisterhood in Christ.

Joy Club Yearly Schedule
September-May...Official Meetings
One meeting per week, run according to The Joy Club's Modified Robert's Rules of Order
June-August...Informal Summer Meetings
The Members may meet together as often as they like each week during the summer.

Nominations for Leaders shall be made "from the floor" at the Official Joy Club Meeting four weeks before the Election Meeting.

Elections shall be held at the Official Joy Club Meeting in the second week of November, every three years.

Winter Ceremony...
The Winter Ceremony shall be held at the Official Joy Club Meeting before and closest to Christmas.

Inauguration Ceremony...
The Inauguration Ceremony shall be held at the Official Joy Club Meeting closest to the end of Christmas Break, in the January following election.

Summer Ceremony…
The Summer Ceremony shall be held at the Official Joy Club Meeting before and closest to Summer Break.

The Joy Club's Modified Robert's Rules of Order:

Call To Order (Roll Taken);
Brief Opening Prayer;
Special Program Time One:
Guest Speakers, if any; Videos, Slides, Pamphlets, Presentations, Entertainment, etc. on important Topics and Issues, as advised by "Joy Club Special Program Time One Topic Sheet", such as:
The Sanctity of Life
Creationism vs. Evolutionism
Christianity vs. Humanism
Current Events from a Christian Perspective
Great Men and Women from the Bible
Christian Womanhood
The Vision of America's Founding Fathers
America's Christian Heritage Wisdom, Virtue, and The Fruit of the Spirit
Great Christian American Men and Women
What Socialism Did to Sweden, Etc.
Treasurer's Report
Committee Reports (if any)
Old Business (if any)
New Business (if any)
Temporary Adjournment for Verse Time, Activity Time, and Leader-led Activities:
Members to practice Bible Verses, then work on Activities toward earning Patches and Awards, as prescribed by The Joy Club Activity Project Sheets, and shall also participate in Leader-led Activities, as desired.
Special Program Time Two: Members to give Speeches, Skits, Presentations, Entertainment, etc., as required by various Activity Project Sheets, toward the earning of Patches and Awards.
Member reenacts Benjamin Franklin’s famous "Call to Prayer" of 1776, per Activity Project Sheet
Member(s) dress as wife/wives of Founding Father(s) and present reenactment per Activity Project Sheet
Member/Members demonstrate The Meaning of Virtue through any art or craft, (such as, quilting, sewing, stained glass, sculpture, calligraphy, painting, skit; play; reading; puppet show; mime; musical performance, etc.) per Activity Project Sheet
Refreshments (if any) and Informal Conversation

The Joy Club Motto: ...Comfort yourselves together, and edify one another... (From 1 Thessalonians 5)

The Joy Club Pledge: On my honor, I do promise to serve the Lord as He leads me, hide His Word in my heart as He teaches me, prayerfully use any gifts and skills with which He blesses me, and endeavor to live in Christ with wisdom and humility, joy and love.

The Joy Club Promise of Chastity
: I promise to always keep my body chaste and endeavor to keep my thought life pure, both holy unto God; being modest in dress, decent in behavior, temperate in all things, and free from all commerce, save for with my wedded husband, should I ever marry. (Married women end the pledge at ‘husband’; single women and girls end the pledge at ‘marry’.)

The Joy Club Prayer
: Father, we pray that you would help us all to be of one mind, and to let that mind be the mind of Christ. Please help us to be a joyful blessing to you, to each other, and to all whose lives we touch, as we glorify and serve you. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

The Joy Club Song: Praise the Lord with gladness, from a grateful heart;
Praise the Lord with gladness, He is never to depart.
When you praise the Lord with gladness, Joy will enter in;
Praise the Lord with gladness, let peace of mind begin.

Membership Qualifications
Who may Become a Member of a Joy Club? Any Christian girl or woman who agrees with and is willing to uphold The Joy Club Rules and Ideals, as laid out in The Joy Club Constitution, By-Laws, Handbook, Motto, Pledge, Promise, and Prayer, and who will participate in the Joy Club Activities, is welcome to become a Joy Club Member. (Only girls and women over twelvewill be required to make the Chastity Promise.)
A Joy Club Membership is a Meaningful Commitment and not to be made lightly. A girl or woman thinking of becoming a Member should study The Joy Club Rules carefully to be sure that they are compatible with her own, for a Member can be dismissed from the Club for not following them.

Nomination and Election of Joy Club Leaders

Each Club Shall Elect a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. These officers shall serve for a term of three years and may be re-elected for an indefinite number of terms.
Elections shall be held at the Official Joy Club Meeting in the second week of November every three years. Only registered Joy Club Members may vote, and then only for the Joy Club in which they hold membership and no other.
Nominations for Leaders shall be made "From the Floor" (by members) at the Official Joy Club Meeting four meetings before Election Meeting.
Voting shall be held by secret ballot, with Leaders chosen by "plurality" (more votes than any other candidate).
Clubs shall select an Election Committee to organize and preside over the Club Election. Candidates for President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall not be on the committee.
A Leadership Position vacated prematurely may be filled by Election (in the cases of Vice President, Secretary, or Treasurer) or Appointment (in the cases of Special Programs Director, Activities Director, or Celebrations and Ceremonies Director); unless it is the office of The President which is vacant, which shall be filled by The Vice President, who will become The President, and remain The President until the next regular Election.

Qualifications and Duties of Leaders:
A Joy Club President Must be a Joy Club Member, at least twenty-one years of age; proven Responsible in Service; knowledgeable of American Government, America's Christian Heritage, History, and of Current Events; and must be conversant with Robert's Rules of Order. Most importantly, the nominee must be a born-again Christian woman; an avid student of the Bible; a loving neighbor and sister in Christ; dedicated to serving Christ and His body, and willing to serve Him through The Joy Club, observe The Joy Club Motto, Pledge, Prayer, and Promise, and uphold The Joy Club Constitution, By-laws, and Hand-book.
The President’s Duties are: to Preside over an Official Joy Club Meeting, run according to The Joy Club's Modified Robert's Rules of Order, once per week during the Official Joy Club Year; to keep track of, and stay involved as necessary with, the Club's doings during the summer; to insure that the Club is run according to the Joy Club Constitution, By-laws, and Hand-book; to oversee the progress and promote the Wisdom, Virtue, Joy, and Contentment, both of her Joy Club as a whole, and of each individual Member; and to administer discipline as necessary. Within one month of her election, The President shall appoint from among the most qualified and diligent volunteers over eighteen, a Special Programs Director, (or shall appoint her Vice President to this position, or carry out the duties of this office herself*). The President shall also appoint from among the most qualified and diligent volunteers over eighteen, an Activities Director, (or shall appoint her Vice President to this position, or shall carry out the duties of this office herself*). The President shall also appoint from among the most qualified and diligent volunteers over 18, a Celebrations and Ceremonies Director, (or shall appoint her Secretary to this position,*)
*Smaller clubs may not have the resource of people who may be appointed to the various positions; hence, the necessity arises in these instances of The President, Vice President, and Secretary holding dual positions.
A Joy Club Vice President Must be a Joy Club Member, at least twenty-one years of age; proven Responsible in Service; knowledgeable of American Government, America's Christian Heritage, History, and of Current Events; and must be conversant with Robert's Rules of Order. Most importantly, the nominee must be a born-again Christian woman; an avid student of the Bible; a loving neighbor and sister in Christ; dedicated to serving Christ and His body, and willing to serve Him through The Joy Club, observe The Joy Club Motto, Pledge, Prayer, and Promise, and uphold The Joy Club Constitution, By-laws, and Hand-book.
The Vice President shall be ready at any time to assume the duties of the President in case of illness, death, resignation, or dismissal. A President may ask her Vice President to temporarily take her place in case of other emergencies as well, such as family crisis or death, etc., and also when the President may need to be gone on vacations and/or business trips. The Vice President may also be asked to assume certain duties to assist the President on a regular basis. Upon appointment by the President, the Vice President may also assume the position of Special Programs Director, or Activities Director, but not both.
The Joy Club Secretary Must be a Joy Club Member, at least eighteen years of age; of an Organized and Mature mind; proven Responsible in Service; knowledgeable of Professional Letter-writing; capable of accurate Record-keeping; knowledgeable of American Government, America's Christian Heritage, History, and of Current Events; and conversant with Robert's Rules of Order. Most importantly, the Secretary must be a born-again Christian woman; an avid student of the Bible; a loving neighbor and sister in Christ; dedicated to serving Christ and His Body, and willing to serve Him through the Joy Club, observe The Joy Club Motto, Pledge, Prayer, and Promise, and uphold The Joy Club Constitution, By-laws, and Handbook.
The Joy Club Secretary shall take the Minutes of each meeting. The Secretary shall also act as Corresponding Secretary, handling the necessary letter writing for her Joy Club, as, letters to prospective speakers, thank-you notes to speakers and donors, etc. The Secretary shall also act as Recording Secretary; keeping accurate records of the Joy Club's:
Officers-- names and positions, dates of Elections and terms
Members-- names, dates of induction, and years of membership
Awards--names of Members awarded, types of Awards, and dates awarded
Speakers and Guests--names, dates, and subjects
Members' signed Application Forms
Members' signed Joy Club Pledges
Members' signed Joy Club Chastity Promises
Members’ Signed Waiver Forms (for Field Trips, Etc.)
Donor names, dates, donations
Leavings and Dismissals--names, dates, reasons Inactive Members (Member with no Attendance for four months or longer should be contacted to ascertain whether she wishes to continue as a Member.)
Upon appointment by the President, the Secretary may also assume the position of Celebrations and Ceremonies Director.
The Joy Club Treasurer must be a Joy Club Member, at least twenty-one years of age; of an Organized and Mature Mind; capable of Responsible Service; knowledgeable of Financial Record-keeping; and knowledgeable of American Government, America's Christian Heritage, History, and Current Events. Most importantly, the Treasurer must be a born-again Christian woman; an avid student of the Bible; a loving neighbor and sister in Christ; dedicated to serving Christ and His Body, and willing to serve Him through the Joy Club, observe The Joy Club Motto, Pledge, Prayer, and Promise, and uphold The Joy Club Constitution, By-laws, and Handbook.
The Joy Club Treasurer shall be responsible for the safe-keeping, the Club-approved receiving, dispersal, and orderly record-keeping of, and taxes upon, all of her Joy Club's Monies. She shall make herself familiar with any State, Government, or Joy Club Laws applicable to her position, and shall be responsible to see that such laws are obeyed.
Treasurers of Clubs registered with The Joy Club Headquarters may make purchases of Joy Club Jackets, Sashes, and Berets by using the Purchase Order System, with payments by checks or money orders; the Purchase Orders shall be signed by both The Club Treasurer and Club Secretary. Clubs should allow adequate time for checks to clear before orders are processed, and as much as six to eight weeks for delivery, depending on the time of year.
The same procedure as above shall be used for ordering Patches, Pins, and Awards, except the Purchase Order shall be signed by both The Treasurer and Celebrations and Ceremonies Director.
Other items made for The Joy Clubs may be ordered by Members directly.
Other Club Purchases may be made by The Treasurer with or without Club input as each individual Club decides. (i.e., One Club may wish to give the Treasurer blanket authority to routinely take care of stocking such items as they feel their Joy Club needs, as paper plates or sewing thread, while another Club may feel the need for Club Approval each time.)
The Special Programs Director must be a Joy Club Member, at least eighteen years of age; be of an Organized and Mature mind; especially understanding of Proper Etiquette and Christian Deportment; capable of Cheerful, Efficient Hospitality, and Responsible Service; and be knowledgeable of American Government, America's Christian Heritage, History, and Current Events. Most importantly, the Special Programs Director must be a born-again Christian woman; an avid student of the Bible; a loving neighbor and sister in Christ; dedicated to serving Christ and His Body, and willing to serve Him through the Joy Club, observe The Joy Club Motto, Pledge, Prayer, and Promise, and uphold The Joy Club Constitution, By-laws, and Handbook.
The Special Programs Director shall schedule and coordinate the Entertainment of the Special Program Times of the Joy Club meetings, being responsible for Special Program Time One; including the safe and timely arrival of any speakers or guests to a welcoming atmosphere, for their overnight or temporary accommodations as needed, and their comfort and ease during their visits. She shall also be responsible for the smooth running of the entertainment by Members during Special Program Time Two, working closely with the Activities Director to insure accurate scheduling. This position shall have a term of three years.
The Activities Director must be a Joy Club Member, at least eighteen years of age; shall be of an Active, Creative, and Mature Nature; capable of Accurate Record-keeping, Organization, and Responsible Service; and of helping Members during the many different Activities in which they will be involved. She must be knowledgeable of American Government, America's Christian Heritage, History, and of Current Events. Most importantly, the Activities Director must be a born-again Christian woman; an avid student of the Bible; a loving neighbor and sister in Christ; dedicated to serving Christ and His Body, and willing to serve Him through the Joy Club, observe The Joy Club Motto, Pledge, Prayer, and Promise, and uphold the Joy Club Constitution, By-Laws and Handbook.
The Activities Director shall preside over Verse Time, Activity Time, and Leader-Led Activities, and shall organize and coordinate the Leaders for Leader-led Activities. She shall keep complete and clear record of the projects upon which each Member is working; shall keep the Special Programs Director informed of which Members are ready to perform during Special
Program Time Two; and shall keep the Celebrations and Ceremonies Director informed of any Members having earned awards.
This position shall have a term of three years.
The Celebrations and Ceremonies Director must be a Joy Club Member, at least eighteen years of age; shall be of a Mature and Responsible Nature; capable of Accurate Record-keeping and Organization, and shall also be someone who enjoys Party-planning and is capable of applying her organizational skills to working with others in this area. She must be knowledgeable of American Government, America's Christian Heritage, History, and of Current Events. Most importantly, the Celebrations and Ceremonies Director must be a born-again Christian woman; an avid student of the Bible; a loving neighbor and sister in Christ; dedicated to serving Christ and His Body, and willing to serve Him through the Joy Club, observe The Joy Club Motto, Pledge, Prayer, and Promise, and uphold the Joy Club Constitution, By-Laws and Handbook.
The Celebrations and Ceremonies Director shall keep complete and accurate record of each Member's earned Patches and Awards. She shall be responsible to see that each Member is given the proper Patches and Awards at the proper times. She shall also be responsible for the planning and execution of:
The Winter Ceremony
The Inauguration Ceremony
The Summer Ceremony
She may also initiate and/or help with other dinners, dances, parties, fund-raisers, etc.
The CCD shall send one copy of the Inauguration Ceremony Sheet to Joy Club Headquarters within one week of Ceremony; also giving one copy to The Joy Club Secretary, and keeping one copy for her own files. She shall also give one copy of the Member Awards Sheet to the Secretary after The Winter and Summer Ceremonies, keeping one copy for her files.
The Celebrations and Ceremonies Director shall give a brief Event Report at the first Official Meeting following an Election, Special Event, or Ceremony over which she has presided.
This position shall have a term of three years.

Special Program Time One
Special Program Time Two

The Special Programs Director shall schedule and coordinate the Entertainment of both of her Joy Club's Special Program Times.
Special Program Time One is reserved for Guest Speakers, Videos, Slides, Pamphlets, Presentations, Entertainment, etc., on Important Topics and Issues, the Purpose of which shall be, to help the Members Grow as Christians, Serve God More Diligently, Bear Fruit of the Holy Spirit, Develop Virtuous Christian Character, and Gain Wisdom and Knowledge.
Special Program Time Two has identical Purposes to Special Program Time One, but works to accomplish these Purposes in a more active and personal way for each Member, by providing the canvas on which to display and crystallize the Christian Principles and New Skills she has been learning in Special Program Time One, Verse Time, and Activities Time, thereby bringing her lessons to life. This shall occur through Member presentations of Skits; Speeches; Readings; Puppet Shows; Music; Singing; Dramatic Re-enactments; or other Entertainment; or Displays of the Products of the Joy Club Activity Project Sheets, such as Paintings, Quilts, Sculpture, Craft Work, etc.
Special Program Time Topic List
Sanctity of Life Decency
Creationism vs. Evolution Modesty
Christianity vs. Humanism Obedience
Current Events From A Christian Perspective Wisdom
Christian Womanhood Truth
The Vision of Our Founding Fathers Honesty
America's Christian Heritage Courage
Great Christian American Men and Women Strength
Patriotism Friendship
Civility Piety
The Rights of Christians in America Education
Christian and American Holidays Temperance
What Socialism Did to Sweden Prudence
What are Socialism and Communism? Fortitude
World Religions Justice
The Life of Christ Industry
The Life of Paul Frugality
Great Men of the Bible Meekness
Great Women of the Bible Faith
Christian Deportment/Etiquette/Diplomacy Goodness
Right Thinking Gentleness
Love Long Suffering
Verse Time
Upon Temporary Adjournment Each Week during the Official Joy Club Meeting, the Club Members and Leaders shall immediately participate in Verse Time; Reading, Studying, and Memorizing the Joy Club Recommended Verses.
Members shall practice reciting the Verses aloud to each other or to themselves, with Leaders helping Members, and Members helping each other as needed, in gaining an understanding of the Verses. After a Member thoroughly Reads, Studies, Understands, and Memorizes a Verse to the best of her ability, she shall then be questioned by a Leader on the Verse. If understanding is in evidence, she shall receive a “Go-Ahead”; Leader shall initial spot in Member’s Verse Journal where Member plans to then copy Verse; Member shall copy the Verse into her Verse Journal, and shall go on to the next Verse. (If understanding was not in evidence, she shall not receive a “Go-Ahead”, but shall restudy the Verse until ready.) Members shall study the Verses in the order presented, (Booklet Pages and Verse Cards are numbered) completing no more than 2 Booklet Pages or 1 Verse Card per week, year round. The Members may use the ‘Verse Journal’ pages provided in their Official Joy in Jesus Club Handbooks, or may use any other journals they wish, as Verse Journals. Every Elected Leader shall help in giving “Verse Go-Aheads”.
Leaders, as well as Members, shall study and memorize the Joy Club recommended Verses, in the same manner as described above, receiving “Go-Aheads” from each other as they progress.
Although Memorization is required, the emphasis is to be on Understanding, making allowances for varied levels of Memorization Skills in each Member.
The Beginning Verses (New Life, The Word, and The Comforter) are printable from the Joy Club Website, as is the Official Joy Club Handbook/Verse Journal. After the Beginning Verses are completed, Members shall continue with the rest of The Joy Club Verses, in succession. (For more information on The Joy Club Verses, see

Activity Time
After Verse Time, Shall Come Activity Time. Members shall work on Activity Projects as laid out in the Joy Club Activity Project Sheets on the Joy Club Website.
These Activities shall lead to the earning of Patches and Awards in the various Joy Club Activity Categories.
The Joy Club Activity Categories shall be: Faith, Hope, Love, Prudence, Fortitude, Justice, and Temperance. The Activities shall also teach other Virtues such as, Industry, Frugality, etc. In September, Member shall choose the required number of Activity Projects per Category for the year, write the code name of each chosen Project in her Handbook on the Activity Category and Project Page, and circle each Project as it is completed, with the Leader who gave the “Go-Ahead” or check-off initialing each Completion Circle.
The Members shall earn Patches and Awards through the honest completion of the required number of Activity Projects in each Activity Category. The Projects shall revolve around Activities in areas such as, Sports; Exercise; Drama; Music; Singing; Crafts; Our Christian Heritage; Cooking; Christian Service; Sewing; Painting; etc. The varied types of Activities in each Category will make it easy for all personality types to choose Activities suited to their likings. Examples of the many Joy Club Activity Projects: (Project Titles may Change)
Hope Category: (H1) Please Be My Eyes
(H2) Booties For Babies
(H3) Quilts for Kids (H4) Christian Soldier (H5) Help for the Homeless (H6) Gardens for Giving (H7) Angel of Mercy (H8) Helping the Helpers (H9) Joy Club Story Hour (H10) Helping Hands
Justice Category:
Our Christian Heritage:
(J1) Ben (J6) The Founding Wives (J2) Abe (J7) James (J3) Betsy (J8) Thomas (J4) Abigail (J5) George
Serving Justice (J9) Rights for Life (J10) Rights for Students (J11) Rights for Citizens
Fortitude Category: Show Me:
(FSM1) Faith (FSM3) Love (FSM5) Fortitude (FSM2) Hope (FSM4) Prudence (FSM6) Justice (FSM7) Temperance
Activities do not have to be completed at Joy Club. For example, if ‘Running’ is chosen as the Sport or Exercise to be participated in for six months for the Purpose of Learning Fortitude and Perseverance, this sport may be accomplished at school, home school, private lessons, or on one's own. Any Medals or Awards earned for this sport outside of Joy Club may be worn on the Joy Club Uniform as well as the Joy Club’s Patch or Award.
Another example in the same vein: If, for a Sport or Exercise Activity Project, a Member chooses to do an Aerobic and Strength Training Program, she may choose whether she would like to accomplish this goal at a local gym, her home, or at Joy Club with a group of members or by herself. (If her Joy Club has procured exercise equipment, Activity Time would be a good time to utilize it, or arrangements could be made to use it at another time than Official Club Meeting Time; or an exercise program not needing special equipment can be chosen.)
If, for other Activity Projects, a Member has chosen, for example, Playing a Musical Instrument, or Singing, or Stained Glass Work, etc., these too, can be learned outside of Joy Club and credit taken towards the earning of Patches and Awards within Joy Club, or may be learned within her Joy Club, provided her Joy Club has the necessary Volunteer Leaders or capabilities to teach them.
Members may learn the necessary skills with which to accomplish Activity Project Sheets on their own through books, videos, TV, classes, seminars, workshops, etc.
All Activity Project Sheet Completions must be checked off by an Elected Leader, so the proof of completion must be in evidence; for example, a Chart of Time Spent on the Aerobic and Strength Training Program, and the Exercises Accomplished; A Note from a Conductor on an Orchestral Performance (or Photo of Member performing, or Newspaper article speaking of Performance, etc.); the Thank You Note or note from a Pastor for whom you have Planted Flowers; etc.
Leaders, as well as Members, shall participate in the Completion of Activity Project Sheets, earning Patches and Awards for them, as well as for their Leadership.
Although Activity Project Expenses are the responsibility of the Member doing the Project, The Club shall endeavor to provide as many materials as possible for all of the Activity Projects that are to be done within the confines of the Joy Club Meeting Place.
Leader-led Activity Time
After Verse Time, during Activity Time, there shall also be occurring simultaneously, Leader-Led Activity Time.
These Activities shall be led by Volunteer Leaders and shall each teach a skill necessary for the completion of any one or more of the Joy Club Activity Project Sheets.
The Activities will range from Making a Bird House, Stained Glass, or Quilt, to Sign Language, or the Making of Puppets & Puppeteering, etc. Any Skill needed for the Completion of the Activity Project Sheets can be taught at this time.
Members shall choose, based upon the projects they have chosen for the year, whether or not they should participate in the Leader-Led Activity, and thereby learn a necessary new skill, or
whether they should work on their own (or with partners or a group) on their current Activity Project.
Although Activity Project Expenses are the responsibility of the Member doing the Project, The Club shall endeavor to provide as many materials as possible for all of the Activity Projects that are to be done within the confines of the Joy Club Meeting Place.
Leaders for Leader-Led Activity Time are coordinated by the Activities Director, and should volunteer early in the Joy Club Year, so that weeks and dates for Leader-Led Activities can be posted, thereby helping the Members schedule their Projects for the year. The Activities Director shall do her best to see that Volunteer Leaders are provided in the areas desired by Members, calling for volunteers, if necessary; perhaps by announcing at Meetings in what categories Leaders are needed, sending out a letter to parents of the younger Members, posting a Volunteer Leader Sign-up Sheet, or posting a sheet on which Members may request a Volunteer Leader to teach their chosen Activities, etc.
Volunteer Activity Leaders
Any Member of Any Age Can Lead an Activity, providing the Activity Director has before ascertained that she is well-informed, well-organized, and well-equipped to teach her Activity; keeping in mind that this is leadership training ground and good practice for people young and old, but also that the Members have only so much time in which to learn the skills needed to complete their projects, and a week cannot be wasted.
Friends and Family of Members may also lead an Activity, with the same provisions as above. For example, a dad may volunteer to teach how to make a birdhouse; a big brother may volunteer to teach how to make a special kite; a friend may volunteer to teach a quilting method, etc.

Joy Club Display and Library
It is recommended that each Joy Club display:
The Ten Commandments The United States Constitution
The Bill of Rights The Declaration of Independence
The American Flag The Pledge of Allegiance
Pictures of our Godly Founding Fathers and Godly American Women of Note
(If possible, in poster form, with captions informing of each man and woman's Christianity and accomplishments.)
Pictures of our Biblical Fathers and Historical Characters
It is also recommended that each Joy Club have on hand as many Joy Club recommended books, videos, and teaching materials as possible regarding the true nature of our Christian American Heritage, Creationism, Sanctity of Life, Christian Deportment, etc. (See Joy Club Recommended Books, Videos, and Teaching Materials)
Joy Club Recommended
Books/Videos/Teaching Materials List
The Bible
The Ten Commandments
The United States Constitution
The Bill of Rights
The Declaration of Independence
The Pledge of Allegiance
Any Books, Papers, Letters, Pamphlets, Speeches, etc., written by the Founding Fathers (such as Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Abraham Lincoln, etc.) and Books of that Day teaching of Christian Virtues and Deportment, Diplomacy, Womanhood, etc. All Books, Booklets, Pamphlets, etc., published or sold by The Father’s Gift at,
Educational Books, Videos, Tapes, and Posters published or sold by Wallbuilders at,
Educational Pamphlets, Papers, Reports, Books, etc. by The Alliance Defense Fund at,
All History and American Government and Economics Text Books published and sold by A Beka Book at
Any Conservative Books or Videos written or presented in an extraordinarily successful manner, teaching on the subjects of Sewing, Cooking, Quilting, Puppeteering, Radio Plays, Music, Virtues, etc., as might be useful in teaching the skills necessary for Members to complete the Joy Club Activities
American Dictionary of the English Language by Noah Webster 1828
Several Copies of a Large, Modern Dictionary such as
Webster's New Twentieth Century Dictionary (Unabridged)
Abingdon's Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of The Bible and Strong’s Exhaustive
Concordance of The Bible

Miscellaneous Rules
A person interested in becoming a Joy Club Member may attend as a guest one time. After this, in order to be granted access or Membership, she must have a fully filled-out Membership Form, signed Joy Club Pledge, and signed Joy Club Promise of Chastity on file with the Joy Club Secretary.
Behavior of Joy Club Members shall be that of Godly women and girls. No smoking, alcohol drinking, illegal drugs, swearing or other rude and ungodly behavior shall be allowed at Joy Club meetings or outings.
No men or boys shall be allowed at Joy Club meetings, gatherings, or outings excepting those appearing as guest speakers or teaching a skill during Activity Time, or attending a special event, ceremony, etc., to which they have been invited by Club agreement. No men or boys shall ever be allowed at any Joy Club camp-out, or other overnight trip.
Personality testing, quizzing, and behavioral questionnaires; women and teen magazine quizzes; psychoanalysis, psychodrama, psychognosis, and psychohistory, counseling or group counseling, etc., are inappropriate activities for The Joy Club.
Ouija Boards, Tarot cards, séances, and other spiritist-based activities are inappropriate activities for the Joy Club.
Suggestive, gambling, or impolite games are inappropriate for The Joy Club.
Acceptable activities are: Memorizing Bible Verses; Joy Club Activity Projects, (from the Joy Club Activity Project Sheets, such as Sports, Exercise, Crafts, Sewing, Quilting, Painting, Sculpture, Music Practice, etc.); or, during the summer, other innocent or intellectually challenging pursuits as, Indoor Games, (like Scrabble, Chess, Puzzles, Charades, Jenga) Outdoor Games, (like Croquet, Horseshoes, Badminton) Sports, Exercise, Bird Watching, Nature Study, Rock Collecting, Watching Movies and Reading Books from the Joy Club "Just For Fun" List, Discussions, etc., as well as the normal Joy Club Activity Projects.
Clean up is the responsibility of each Member, and each is expected to help the others keep the Joy Club Meeting Place or Outing Places neat and clean.

Winter Ceremony
At the Official Joy Club Meeting Before and Closest to Christmas shall be held the Winter Ceremony. This ceremony will be for the purposes of officially welcoming New Members and also officially presenting earned Patches and Awards to Members.
The ceremony will open with all present praying The Joy Club Prayer.
Every person who has joined The Joy Club since the previous Summer Ceremony will come forward and stand in order (having before been briefed on the procedure and seated at the event in alphabetical order*) in front of the Celebrations and Ceremonies Director.
The New Members will then say The Joy Club Pledge and The Joy Club Promise aloud together.
Each one will then be individually introduced by The CCD; step forward; be presented with a Joy Club Pin; be announced for and given any earned Patches and Awards, be congratulated by The CCD and The President, and step back into line, remaining up front until all New Members are introduced and awarded.
The CCD will start the applause for the whole group as the New Members take their seats.
The Celebrations and Ceremonies Director shall then present Patches and Awards to each Member who has earned them since the last Summer Ceremony, with congratulations upon presentation from both her and The President. (The group of awardees having been before organized, briefed on the procedure, and seated together in front, in alphabetical order, to be called up individually at the proper time, each one remaining up front after being awarded.)
Applause for all, begun by The CCD at the finish of the last award in the group.
Awardees return to their places and remain standing.
All stand and sing The Joy Club Song.
Refreshments and Celebration to follow.
*Each Club may decide whether they wish to have one large group, or one group of twelve to eighteen-year-olds, and another of eighteen and up.
Inauguration Ceremony
Open with Entire Assembly Praying The Joy Club Prayer
Ceremony Hostess (the name of whom was announced at a previous meeting, having been chosen by the incumbent Celebrations and Ceremonies Director) shall ask the newly elected President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer to come up to the front.
Standing in front, the new President shall be announced by name and position, and shall repeat the Inauguration Promise after the Ceremony Hostess. The Ceremony Hostess shall then pin the new President's "Leaders' Pin" to the left lapel of her Joy Club Jacket. (Leaders' Pins are to be worn on the left lapel of the jacket as long as in office; and are to be worn on the sash when term is finished.) The Ceremony Hostess shall then also present any earned Patches and Awards.
This process shall be repeated for the Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, in turn, with The President and Ceremony Hostess congratulating each, and each one remaining up front.
The new President shall then give a short acceptance speech.
The Ceremony Hostess shall then ask the three new Directors (Special Programs Director, Activities Director, and Celebrations and Ceremonies Director) to come up to the front. Each shall be announced by name and position in turn; repeat the Inauguration Promise after the Ceremony Hostess; receive a "Leaders' Pin", and receive any earned Patches and Awards, as did
the Leaders before her; be congratulated by the President and Ceremony Hostess; and remain up front.
At the Ceremony Hostess' invitation, the seven retiring leaders shall then join the seven new leaders up front. All shall then sign the Inauguration Ceremony Sheet (first Presidents, then Vice Presidents, then Secretaries, and so on.) The Ceremony Hostess shall also sign as a witness.
The Ceremony Hostess shall offer a prayer for the new Leaders.
The entire assembly shall state The Joy Club Pledge, and then sing The Joy Club Song.
Ceremony Hostess shall announce the end of the Ceremony, inviting all to...
Refreshments and celebration.
I, _______________, do hereby promise to uphold, through
The Office of _____________, The Joy Club Constitution,
By-laws, and Handbook, Motto, Pledge, Promise, and Prayer.
Ceremony Hostess shall give a brief ‘Event Report’ at the next Official Club Meeting.
Summer Ceremony
At the Official Joy Club Meeting before and closest to Summer Break shall be held the Summer Ceremony. This Ceremony shall be for the purposes of welcoming New Members who have become a part of Joy Club since the previous Winter Ceremony, and for honoring Members with Patches and Awards earned since then. The Ceremony is run identically to the Winter Ceremony in the main, but will, of course, differ in flavor due to seasonal changes.
One additional step in the Summer Ceremony shall be: After the Presentation of Patches and Awards to Members, Members shall sit down instead of remain standing; The Ceremony Hostess (the name of whom was announced at a previous meeting, having been chosen by the incumbent Celebrations and Ceremonies Director, and who may be the same person who acted as Hostess at the Inauguration Ceremony,) shall ask the Elected Leaders to come up to the front. Patches and Awards shall then be presented to them in the same manner as above, beginning with the President. Leaders shall remain standing up front as they are awarded.
The CCD shall begin the Applause for all Leaders after the presentation of the last Award.
All stand and sing the Joy Club Song.
Refreshments and Celebration to follow.
Informal Summer Meetings
The Members May Meet Together as often as they like each week during the Summer.
Members may continue with Verse Learning and Activity Projects independently throughout the Summer if they wish, and may be passed and checked off on them by a Leader at that time,
or, being sure to save all Project Work, Records, or Evidence of Projects for Leader's Approval, may be checked off on them in September. (Reciting all Verses in September from a whole Summer's learning may prove difficult, so it is recommended that Verse Go-Aheads be done in a timely fashion throughout the Summer.)
Members may also want to use the Summer Meetings for Camp-outs, Cook-outs, Swim Parties, Trips, or just ‘hanging out’ together, playing games, etc., planning ahead for the summer during the year’s Official Club Meetings, as necessary, and earning expenses, if any. Responsible Adult Protection and Supervision must be provided for all Outings and Trips.
At least one Elected Club Leader or Responsible Adult Member must be present at the Joy Club Meeting Place for each Summer Meeting, with more Leaders or Adults, as needed, to provide the necessary help and supervision for Minors, and Verse Go-Aheads and Activity Project check-offs for all who may need them. (Only Elected Leaders may perform the Verse Go-Aheads and Activity Project check-offs.)
Cleanup after each Meeting is each Member's responsibility. The privilege of Summer Meetings may be revoked if cleanup or behaviors prove to be a problem.
Joy Club Uniforms
The Joy Club Uniform shall consist of a Joy Club Jacket, Sash, and Matching Beret, all in Joy Club Green, (Adobe Photoshop #88F0D2) worn with a White Dress, or with a White Shirt, and White Skirt, Pants, or Shorts. In warm climates, a Joy Club Green Shirt may be substituted for the Joy Club Jacket.
Earned Patches are to be sewn onto the Joy Club Sash in an orderly fashion. Other Award Pins or Medals, etc., shall be pinned onto the Joy Club Sash, also in an orderly fashion.
The Joy Club Pin is to be worn on the Right Lapel of the Jacket, on the Beret, or may anchor the Sash to the Jacket or Shirt.
Uniforms must be worn to Official Meetings, Events, Ceremonies, and Celebrations; Jackets and Hats may be removed if too warm or inconvenient for Project Activities during Official Meetings.
Summertime Informal Meetings may be more casual, wearing Uniform as appropriate, (substituting a Joy Club Green Shirt for Jacket, if desired) but always wearing or having on hand, a Joy Club Green Cap, Hat, or Beret, and The Joy Club Pin.
In Summer, a Baseball Cap, Cloche, or other Fun Cap or Hat of Joy Club Green may be substituted for the Beret if desired. "Fun" Pins (such as, ‘joy’, ‘faith’, ‘fun’, etc.,) may be worn on the Berets, Caps, and Hats. (Fun pins must be removed from the Joy Club Beret for Events such as Winter Ceremony, Inauguration Ceremony, and Summer Ceremony.)
Treasurers of Clubs registered with The Joy Club Headquarters may make purchases of Joy Club Jackets, Sashes, and Berets by using the Purchase Order System, with payments by checks or money orders; both The Club Treasurer and Club Secretary shall sign the Purchase Orders. Clubs should allow adequate time for checks to clear before orders are processed, and as much as six to eight weeks for delivery, depending on the time of year.
If purchasing uniforms presents a financial difficulty for Members, the Club may want to consider a group fund-raising event for the purchase of Uniforms.

Remuneration of Leaders and Members
Joy Club Leaders will not receive a salary or pay for duties performed. Positions are held on a volunteer basis only.
No Joy Club Leader or Member shall accept pay for Joy Club duties or kindnesses performed or given, or Joy Club work done in the course of her term of Membership.
No Member or Leader shall accept pay or personal gifts from non-members whom she is helping in the course of her Joy Club Activities; i.e. a widow for whom she is painting a kitchen; a blind person to whom she is reading; a pastor for whom she is planting flowers; a person she is helping to learn to read, etc. (although the person being helped may pay for the materials needed, such as the widow paying for the paint, the pastor paying for the flower bulbs, etc.)
It is hoped, however, that the Members will reward their Local Leaders with thanks, with help when needed, and with group gifts of appreciation at Awards Time. It is also hoped that any gifts given will be thoughtful ones, the Members having taken into consideration the personalities and/or duties of the people being gifted.

Seeking and Receiving Dues, Funds, and Donations
While each Club may decide whether to ask Dues or No Dues, and set the dollar amount of Dues required, it is suggested that the Club Dues cover the expense of Joy Club Pins; that the Club Fund-Raising cover the expense of Patches and Awards; and that each Member cover the expense of her own Uniform Needs separate from Club Dues.
There shall be no expense for Members for Verse Memorization Materials beyond the cost of ink and paper. Verse Memorization Materials shall either be given to Members free of charge or made available by printout, excepting lost or damaged Verse Packets, which shall be replaced at the Member’s expense. Members may also purchase whatever extra Verse Packets they wish for themselves or as gifts, etc.
Each Joy Club may raise its own funds independently as it has need, by asking dues, holding bake sales, art sales, rummage sales, etc., as well as seeking funds from Conservative Christian sources, such as foundations, groups, churches, and individuals. If purchasing uniforms presents a financial difficulty for Members, the Club may want to consider a group fund-raising event for the purchase of Uniforms.
Each club may accept donations of project equipment (sewing machines, treadmills, etc.) project materials (costumes, cloth, craft supplies, etc.) and other items needed for the functioning of the Club, from such people as mentioned above, including the Members themselves. Although Activity Project Expenses are the responsibility of the Member doing the Project, The Club shall endeavor to provide as many materials as possible for all of the Activity Project Sheet Projects that are to be done within the confines of the Joy Club Meeting Place.
Funds raised may be used for camping, parties, trips and other events, equipment and supplies, buildings or building rentals, or other Club needs; or be given to the needy, to missionaries, to church programs, or to any social or missionary-like work of The Joy Club.
No monies shall be accepted by any Joy Club from any federal, state, local, or foreign governments at any time, for any purpose, or from any person in representation of said governments. No ties binding a Joy Club to said governments shall be formed. No Joy Club shall become entwined with the United States Government or any foreign government through programs of grants, loans, donations, or any similar vehicle.
No Joy Club shall become partnered or otherwise entwined with or seek or accept donations of money, equipment, supplies, or buildings, etc. from any organization or individual of clear or subtle anti-Christian, pro-humanist, liberal leftist, socialist, or communist natures, or any such liberal left organization, foundation, or special interest group, as the ACLU, NOW, SIECUS, ADA, People for the American Way, Planned Parenthood, Pro-Choice groups, United Way, etc.
The Treasurer shall be responsible to learn any laws involved with seeking and receiving donations, and to pay, (out of the club funds) any taxes owed, and to keep all finances and records in order.

Joy Club Headquarters
The Joy Club Headquarters Shall:
1. Endeavor to Maintain the Joy Club Website
2. Create:
The Joy Club Category and Activity Project Sheets
Special Program Time One Topic Sheet
Leader-Led Activities Topic Sheet (if needed)
The Activities Director Record Sheet Members’ Awards Sheet
The Celebrations and Ceremonies Director Record Sheet
The Inauguration Ceremony Sheet
New Club Forms
New Member Forms
3. Distribute the Above to Joy Clubs via the Joy Club Website or other means
4. Change the User Name and Password to the website Activity Project Sheets once per year on January 1, and notify the Joy Clubs of said change
5. Review Proposed Amendments
6. Review Suggestions for New Activity Sheet Projects, Special Program Time One
Topics, and Leader-Led Activity Topics, sent to Headquarters by Leaders and Members
7. Revoke Club Status in the case of a club refusing to adhere to the Joy Club Constitution

Constitutional Amendments
Joy Club Constitutional Amendments may be made only in the following way:
Motion for Amendment made in an Official Joy Club Meeting (During September-May Meetings)
Motion seconded
Motion discussed
Date set to vote on Motion and all members notified
Motion voted upon by secret ballot (ALL members must vote)
Upon a 2/3 majority of ALL Club members, Amendment proposal may be sent to Joy Club Headquarters. Only Members on file with Secretary as, ‘Inactive’, ‘Dismissed’, ‘Moved Away’, or ‘No Longer a Member’ shall be excluded from Voting.
Joy Club Headquarters shall consider the proposal for adherence to Joy Club Principles, Morals, and Ideals, Beliefs, and Purposes; and for Necessity, Feasibility, and Sensibleness of change.
If found Unsuitable, Joy Club Headquarters shall send the proposed Amendment back to the Joy Club from which it came, marked "UNSUITABLE", within two months of its receipt of the proposal.
If found Suitable, The Joy Club Headquarters shall then notify all registered U.S. Joy Clubs of proposed Amendment. Each Joy Club shall individually then perform Amendment Procedure (as described above) and shall carry out the voting by secret ballot; the results of which shall be sent to Joy Club Headquarters within two months from the date on which the Joy Club Headquarters dated the letter informing of the Amendment Proposal. (Note: No changes may be made to the Amendment Proposal during this process.)
Joy Club Headquarters shall then count the votes from all of the Joy Clubs. If, out of ALL Joy Club members, there is a 2/3 majority in favor of passing the Proposed Amendment, the Amendment shall pass. Joy Club Headquarters shall add Amendment to the Constitution and notify all Joy Clubs of the Amendment's passing.

Dismissal of Leaders and Members
Any Club Member found to have broken her Joy Club Promise of Chastity since her signing of the Promise, by willingly having sex with someone other than her wedded husband, or by willingly submitting her mind or body to drunkenness, illegal drugs, smoking, X-rated literature, X-rated movies, or X-rated experiences, shall be dismissed.
The Leaders shall do all in their power to see that no person is wrongfully dismissed. In the case of a Member accused of an offense worthy of Dismissal, The President, The Secretary, and The Treasurer shall form themselves into a “Disciplinary Committee”, and discretely and diligently find the truth of the matter. They shall be gentle, prayerful, loving, kind, and thoughtful; and shall be as wise as they know how to be in serving Justice.
The Committee shall privately assign the Club Leader who is closest to the accused Member to speak privately with her about the matter, and shall speak with her themselves, as necessary. The Committee shall also speak privately with any accusers, witnesses, etc., as needed.
If the Member is indeed found guilty of an offense worthy of Dismissal, The President, with The Secretary as witness, shall dismiss her privately. The Secretary shall document the entire matter.
If the Member is truly repentant, or becomes truly repentant in the future, The Committee may consider a “Dismissal for a Time”. The Committee shall consider in each individual case, the Member’s repentance and desire to remain in or rejoin the Joy Club; and if so deciding, may send a letter to, or visit with, the dismissed Member after an appropriate length of time, telling her that the Committee has considered her situation
and her repentance, and that she is forgiven and welcome to come back. (See I Cor 5, and II Cor 2)
If the accused Member is The President, Secretary, or Treasurer, the Disciplinary Committee shall be comprised of three Members, not including the accused, but choosing from the Directors instead to make up the three. The procedure shall be the same as above. If all Leaders are accused, a three-person Committee consisting of three responsible adult Club Members shall be chosen and proceed as above.
A Dismissal Report shall be made to Joy Club Headquarters within one week of a Dismissal, stating the name, reason for, and date of Dismissal.
If a Member or Leader is found to have been falsely accused, the false accuser shall be disciplined (more or less severely depending on the presence of maliciousness) and shall apologize to the one falsely accused. The discipline for the false accuser shall be suspension for one to four weeks for a first offense.
Although it is hoped that we will never have to deal with this type of situation, we must realize that we are all vulnerable to sin. “But by the grace of God, there goeth I”, as the saying goes. Each situation of this nature, which may occur, will be uniquely different from another, because each of us is a uniquely different person. Unfortunately, Sin is always the same, and must be dealt with firmly, for all of our sakes.
Revocation of Club Status
Those forming a Joy in Jesus Club are automatically bound to The Joy Club Constitution, Handbook, By-Laws, Pledge, Promise and Prayer. Any Joy Club refusing to adhere to the letter and spirit of the above documents, or to the Beliefs, Ideals, Principles, Morals, Purposes, and Activities as stated therein, will not be allowed to remain a Joy in Jesus Club, and may no longer use the name of, "Joy in Jesus Club", "Joy Club USA", or any other similar name, thereby deceiving others into thinking it is a True Joy Club.

Starting a Joy in Jesus Club
After reading the Joy Club's Constitution, By-laws, Motto, Promise of Chastity, Pledge, and Prayer, and agreeing with the Rules and Ideals stated therein, parties interested in starting a Joy Club may do so by printing out the New Club Form, filling it out, and sending it in to The Joy in Jesus Club. (See address on website’s Start a Joy Club page.) Applicants will then receive by mail: An Official Joy in Jesus Club Certificate; Several Master Forms which the Club Leaders may copy and use, including: The New Member Form, The Activities Director Form, Special Programs Director Form, The Celebrations and Ceremonies Director Form Member Award Sheet and, The Inauguration Ceremony Sheet; A Complimentary Set of Nine Fruit of the Spirit Verse Packets (as long as current supplies last)
And, The User Name and Password to the The Activity Project Sheets pages on the Joy Club website at (This password shall be changed once per year on January 1. Joy Clubs will be notified of New User Name and Password by Joy Club Headquarters prior to change.)
There shall be no expense for Members for Verse Memorization Materials beyond the cost of ink and paper. Verse Memorization Materials shall either be given to Members free of charge or made available by printout, excepting lost or damaged Verse Packets, which shall be replaced at the Member’s expense. Members may also purchase whatever extra Verse Packets they wish for themselves or as gifts, etc.
The Beginning Verses for studying and memorization during Verse Time are, The New Life Verses: "New Life", "The Word", and "The Comforter", which may be printed out from the New Believer section of the Joy Club site, and made into individual booklets. Each Member may print out her own Official Joy in Jesus Club Handbook from the Joy Club website, as well.
Each Joining Member may send her e-mail address to the Joy Club, if desired, to receive online Joy Club newsletters and information. All other information needed to understand how to start and run a Joy Club can be found on the website, in the Joy Club's Constitution, By-laws, Printable Handbook, Motto, Pledge, Promise, and Prayer, and Activity Category and Project Sheets. Any questions may be directed to the Joy Club by mail, or to the e-mail address: joyinjesusclub at

Ratification: This Constitution shall be ratified upon the approval of its existing Members.
We do hereby set our hands to the signing of The Joy Club Constitution, this 26th Day of March in the year 2004, being in agreement and harmony upon all included therein. First Amendment to the Joy in Jesus Club Constitution, December 28, 2004: It was taken for granted that each Joy Club meeting would open with a brief prayer in Jesus’ name, but this direction was inadvertently left off of the Constitution. This Amendment corrects that error and recommends that the words, “Brief Opening Prayer” be added to The Joy in Jesus Club’s Modified Robert’s Rules of Order, above. This opening prayer may or may not be the official Joy Club Prayer, as each individual club decides. Second Amendment to the Joy Club Constitution, February 11, 2011: In order to accomodate the desires of families with girls under twelve who wish to become Joy Club members, it has hereby been decided and voted upon to drop the Joy Club's 'twelve or over' age requirement, providing that the under-twelves' mothers accompany, guide, and help them. Work will begin on creating more projects appropriate for the younger ages, while for now, a special icon will be placed next to the projects the younger girls may do with help from mothers or others.