Just for Fun
Wonderful Books to Read!

Lousia May Alcott...

(Of Love and Family)
Little Women
Little Men
Jo's Boys
Eight Cousins
Under the Lilacs
An Old Fashioned Girl

Jane Austen...

(Classic 19th Century)
Pride and Prejudice
Sense and Sensibilty
Mansfield Park
Northanger Abbey

Sir Walter Scott...

(Classic Historical Novels)
The Lady of the Lake
Rob Roy
Peveril of the Peak
The Pirate
Quentin Durward...
(And Many More!)

William Shakespeare...

(*Essential Classical Reading)
As You Like It
Comedy of Errors
Romeo and Juliet
The Merchant of Venice
Twelfth Night

*The Shakespeare writings listed above are age-appropriate for our younger Joy Club members. We feel that others of his plays may be more appropriate for the mature or adult reader.
Robert Louis Stevenson...
(Exciting Adventures)
The Master of Ballantrae
The Black Arrow
The Merry Men
Treasure Island
Corrie Ten Boom...
The Hiding Place
In My Father's House
Mark Twain...
(Fun American Classics) A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court The Prince and the Pauper Huckelberry Finn Tom Sawyer