
J201 A Little Bit of George

"It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible..."

George Washington
First American President
' Father of our Country'
Read the whole quote here

Spread the word about Geroge Washington's opinion on God, the Bible, and governing the world, by putting the above quote on any of the items listed below: (Putting the quote on one typre of item--no matter how many of that item--counts as one project completed.)

Bumper Stickers
Quilts and Pillows
T-Shirts and other Clothing
Paintings and Plaques
Basket Borders
Decorative Boxes and Trunks
Other Items of Your Choosing?
Be sure to put the name 'George Washington' after the quote on whatever you choose to make. If you haveroom, you may also want to add his two most famous titles (listed above).

You may want to do this project again.
If sop, you may use more words from George Washington if you wish, to make the project new and defferent the next time.
(One or mopre quotes on one type of item--no matter how many of that item--counts as one project completed.)
Click on the flower above to read more from George.